Learn how to make your own Pro-biotic drinks at home for pennies...
There are many benefits from drinking kombucha tea like improved digestion, better skin, stronger immunity
and anti-aging effects, it’s no wonder everyone is finding out about
probiotic-rich fermented foods and drinks.
I will be hosting a Free-Class on how to properly brew your own kombucha safely and in-expensively at home.
We will also discuss how to make other fermented and healthy drinks such as Kefir and Yerba-Mate.
For this class you will need to bring a 1 gallon size jar and a 1 quart size jar (with lids if possible)
This class is free and will fill up quickly so only serious 'Bucha-ers need sign up!
Wednesday March 13th, at 7:30 ~ to sign up or for more information, Please message me or email me at greensmoothiesmom@gmail.com