Today's Hot-Topic...
Conventional vs. Organic... It's really not an option anymore!
Did you know that Monsanto, the makers of DDT, Agent Orange, Round-Up and Aspartame manufacture the seeds for the crops that we eat EVERY DAY???
Since I don't seem to get too much response when I post about the detriments of GMO's and "Round-Up Ready" crops, I have to assume that either you are completely informed or completely unaware of the state of crisis our country’s food and health are in.
I just want to make sure that You Are All Aware of their harmful effects on our health, just by eating everyday foods like breakfast cereal, bread, all baked goods, cakes, cookies, all fried foods French fries, ice cream, yogurt, milk, soy milk, fast food, even your Chinese take-out...
Most of the prepared foods we buy whether from a restaurant or store (as simple as a box of cereal or loaf of bread) contain GMO's simply because they contain one or more of these specific basic ingredients such as corn, corn syrup, corn oil, soy, soybean oil, canola oil, rice, milk, just to name few...
Maybe I am posting too much about this highly controversial subject and possibly being redundant, and if this is the case, PLEASE let me know! But from what I'm witnessing at the supermarket, the majority of consumers fill their carts with the GMO saturated cereals, milks, breads, snacks, lunchmeats and processed foods, without so much as a glance at their labels. Even our meats (chicken, beef and pork) are modified with hormones and antibiotics and they are fed GMO's as well. There are still some people today who can't get past whether a food has been frozen, and refuse to eat it believing that it’s freshness has been compromised. Freezing food actually preserves the freshness but might possibly alter it's taste slightly (usually with fish or meats). Fruits and veggies, grains, seeds and nuts retain more of their nutrients and enzymes because they are usually frozen the day they are picked.
My concern here for everyone is that you the consumer are AWARE!!!!
I know as a parent I wouldn't intentionally want to feed my child formaldehyde (diet drinks, puddings, and ice cream containing aspartame) or foods that would put them at higher risk of sterility, cancer, autism, immune-suppression, and food allergies, (studies point to GMO's).
But, everyday foods being served to our children contain these poisons and most of the time without our conscious
“Well they couldn’t sell it if it was bad for you, Right?” ’While still so many many people trust our FDA’s judgment because they are a government agency, the fact is that former corporate employees, researchers and lawyers of Monsanto now head the FDA. This situation certainly does reek of “The Fox Overseeing the Hen House” and has completely revoked my confidence in government health protection and food safety.
There is still a silver lining and hope here and that is ORGANIC! While not all conventionally grown foods are nutritionally compromised or contaminated, the best way to know is by reading the labels. Since GMO labeling is not yet mandated yet in the U.S., you aren’t going to see any warnings on the labels, so the best ways to be certain that you are not buying Genetically Modified foods is by buying foods which are labeled either Organic or non-GMO, NON-GMO Project, Non-GMO Verified.
Organic labeling used to be just about whether some fruits and vegetables were sprayed with pesticides or not… today it’s a whole different deal! Not only do we have pesticides, but herbicides and genetic mutation of our crops as well.
We as a nation are getting sicker and we need to speak up to our government and convince them that we are not sheep and will not be led blindly to slaughter. Many other countries have preceded us in this feat and have prevailed! We as nation can win this battle for the right to healthy foods by doing our part, which can be simply done by not purchasing GMO foods. Our dollars speak volumes and have the most voting power, so vote with your spending and in the meantime your and your family’s health will benefit. It really can be a win-win for us all!
“Well they couldn’t sell it if it was bad for you, Right?” ’While still so many many people trust our FDA’s judgment because they are a government agency, the fact is that former corporate employees, researchers and lawyers of Monsanto now head the FDA. This situation certainly does reek of “The Fox Overseeing the Hen House” and has completely revoked my confidence in government health protection and food safety.
There is still a silver lining and hope here and that is ORGANIC! While not all conventionally grown foods are nutritionally compromised or contaminated, the best way to know is by reading the labels. Since GMO labeling is not yet mandated yet in the U.S., you aren’t going to see any warnings on the labels, so the best ways to be certain that you are not buying Genetically Modified foods is by buying foods which are labeled either Organic or non-GMO, NON-GMO Project, Non-GMO Verified.
Organic labeling used to be just about whether some fruits and vegetables were sprayed with pesticides or not… today it’s a whole different deal! Not only do we have pesticides, but herbicides and genetic mutation of our crops as well.
We as a nation are getting sicker and we need to speak up to our government and convince them that we are not sheep and will not be led blindly to slaughter. Many other countries have preceded us in this feat and have prevailed! We as nation can win this battle for the right to healthy foods by doing our part, which can be simply done by not purchasing GMO foods. Our dollars speak volumes and have the most voting power, so vote with your spending and in the meantime your and your family’s health will benefit. It really can be a win-win for us all!
<3 Green Smoothies Mom
Original artical posted on May 23rd