Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Mother of Green Smoothies

Victoria Boutenko, Raw Foodist, Author, creator of the Green Smoothie is, in my opinion, a visionary. After  her family was diagnosed with several life threatening diseases, she healed them by switching them all over to a completely raw foods diet. While the raw diet was keeping them all healthy, she felt that they were still lacking nutritionally, so she continued her research. What she learned was that humans and chimpanzees share 99.4% of their genes, and that chimpanzees had superior immunity next to ours. She then paid closer attention to their diets and observed that the chimpanzees' diet was dramatically different from ours.Chimpanzees consume a much higher percentage of greens than humans and she realized that was key to our nutrition. Victoria tried to add a significant amount of greens to her own diet ,only to find it impossible to chew that many daily, so she decided to blend them with fruit and that made the greens consumption feasible as well as pleasant! In her book "Green For Life" she states that by drinking Green Smoothie we bathe our inner bodies with liquid sunlight (chlorophyll). The more chlorophyll we consume the better our overall health! She also documents that chlorophyll has been proven helpful in preventing and healing many forms of cancer and arteriosclerosis.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Regina,
    Get some idea about Meal Replacement shakes and Smoothies at
