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Prozac and Fluorine

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Prozac and Fluorine

Fom the archives of 

Posted by Lorna on December 06, 2002 at 12:11:00: Here is an eye-opening article on Prozac from
Friday, December 06, 2002

For over a year, I have been pursuing a story about Prozac. I have received much opinion and estimate, but until now I have been chasing elusive facts. Now the facts are in.
I am perfectly willing to have these facts challenged, but only with better facts, not with feelings or presumptions or agendas.
Here is what I’ve been chasing down: the assertion that Prozac actually contains fluorides.
As many of us know, the subject of fluorides (in toothpaste, mouthwash, water supplies of cities) has been a very hot topic. As in, are these chemicals toxic to the human body?
I’ve written on this before, and you can find the stories in my archive. Particularly, there has been terrific conflict at the EPA, where scientists have gone on the record with claims that fluorides in water supplies ARE toxic.
See other data on overgrowth of bones, crippling skeletal malformations, arthritic symptoms of varying severity, et al. From Fluorides.
There is much data in the counter-literature suggesting that fluorides can cause cancer.
I believe no one with an open mind can read the vast counter-literature on fluorides without concluding that these ubiquitous compounds do cause very serious problems.
Okay. Let’s start with this: The RxList site is an authoritative venue for information about medical drugs. After looking up Prozac and its composition, I emailed RxList and asked for a statement about the possible fluoride content of Prozac.
I received a timely answer from one of their pros, Neil Sandow, Pharm. D. “Each molecule of fluoxetime HCL (Prozac) contains three fluoride atoms.”
I queried back to find out whether “fluoride atoms” meant “FLUORINE atoms,” since it was my understanding that fluoride is a term that applies to molecules (combinations of atoms), whereas fluorine is the element and therefore any atoms would be called fluorine. I was told that I was correct.
With that little personal confusion straightened out, I asked RxList another question: Could they tell me the weight, in milligrams, of the fluorine in a standard daily dose of Prozac? After all, you always want to know about dose level.
Here was the reply from Sandow. I am giving you the details, in case anyone wants to challenge these facts or the arithmetic. F stands for fluorine in the message I received: “F molecular weight=18.9984032. There are 3 F’s in each Prozac molecule, so 3 x 18.9984032 = 57.
“The molecular weight of the Prozac molecule is 345.79.
“The proportion of Fluorine to Prozac is 57 / 345.79 = .165 or 16.5%.
“So, for a typical daily dose of 20mg of Prozac the amount of fluorine would be .165 x 20 = 3.3mg (or 6.6mg for a 40mg/day dose).”
Every day that a person takes a standard dose of Prozac, he gets 3.3 milligrams of fluorine. At the higher dose, he gets 6.6 milligrams of fluorine.
As you might imagine, over the years there has been much debate about the level at which fluorine becomes toxic for humans. I found a writer, Darlene Sherrell, who has done much work in this area. With a search engine, you can find her highly recommended piece which goes over this issue with a fine tooth comb. (“The Dose is the Poison”)
I wrote her and relayed the fluorine content of Prozac. She replied, “It is certainly clear…for the typical individual, 6.6mg/day [of fluorine] is more than enough to cause crippling skeletal fluorosis…and 3.3mg [of fluorine per day] is darn close. For the sensitive individual one Prozac a day would be excessive and likely to cause gastrointestinal problems almost immediately.”
So there it is.
Of course, I am commenting here on a narrow aspect of what Prozac does to the human brain and body. My archived articles go into all the other forms of damage this drug can deliver.
I’d say it’s time to get this information out to people.
In a related matter, Dartmouth researcher, Roger Masters, has discovered in a survey of Massachusetts communities, that there is a correlation between areas where silicofluorides are placed in the water and the presence of LEAD. I have queried him as to why he thinks this correlation is present. But his detailed research shows that (highly toxic) lead seems to “follow” these fluoride compounds around. One can only imagine how many cases of the bogus disorder called ADHD have been diagnosed---when lead and fluorides are the real culprits.
Masters writes, “Silicofluorides are largely untested. Virtually all research on fluoridation safety has focused on sodium fluoride, even though the studies in the 1930s showed important biological differences between these chemicals. The correlation with blood levels is especially serious because lead poisoning is associated with higher rates of learning disabilities, hyperactivity, substance abuse and crime.”
Masters, according to a Dartmouth press release, points out that “over 90 percent of America’s fluoridated drinking water supplies are treated with silicofluorides.”
(I want to thank RxList for timely help. They had no idea where I was going with this fluorine information, and it should not be inferred that they were trying to help me make a case against Prozac.)
Footnote: I'm well aware that varying degrees of evidence have been put forward to show that fluorides create a marked sedative effect in humans. I'm still following that one down. If true, this would put yet more light on the impact of Prozac on the population.

Re: Prozac and Fluorine

Posted by PeterB on December 06, 2002 at 18:13:23:

In Reply to: Prozac and Fluorine posted by Lorna on December 06, 2002 at 12:11:00:
not suprsing since it was used in early medicine to treat hyperthyroidism. the real problem for most of us is its recirculation in the food chain. Many teas are highly contaminated, even organic fruits and veggies irrigated with treated water. LINK

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